Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Obama: The Change We Need

When making your decision about who to vote for in the presidential elections, please consider these things:

Barack Obama will start to bring troops home from Iraq while John McCain endorsed the surge.

Barack Obama will work for working America by challenging Republican (McCain) policies of the corporate tax breaks for the wealthiest 1% in America. Obama wants to give tax cuts to us, the working families of America, and wantes to eliminate taxes for our senior citizens making under $50,ooo per year.

Barack Obama wants to pass massive health care reform. He wants to put the needs of the American family first -- like my family and yours. Please consider voting for Barack Obama.

To learn more about the policies of Barack Obama, click the title to this article. It is a link to his web site.

1 comment:

  1. Obama's healthcare plan will only help those who have an employer that offers healthcare. For my family, McCain's offering of $5000 per family to assist in the purchase of coverage is vastly better. Obama's healthcare plan does nothing to change our situation!

    McCain is cutting everyone's taxes. Obama is picking only who he deems worthy of tax cuts. Why should wealthy people be punished because they just happen to be wealthy? And I'm not asking as a wealthy person - I'm asking in terms of justice. There's nothing 'fair' in this - it's simply the lower earners' jealousy bubbling over to the point of electing someone who will 'rob from the rich to give to the poor'. Just because Robin Hood did it, doesn't make it right.

    Just my .02, but not all middle class people are for Obama and his slick offerings....
