Saturday, December 11, 2010

Author Kathryn Stockett

I just finished reading Kathryn Stockett's The Help. It is a novel about black maids and the white families they worked for during the turbulent 60's. A great read -- definitely thought provoking.

I read much of it in a kind of hand over the mouth shock. I am too young to remember segregationist America, but old enough to remember seeing my first African American -- because I did live in a segregated America. I know people that believe things should still be that way, and I am ashamed for them. Color of skin -- or religion or sexual preference for that matter, should not be the determining factor in how one person feels about another.

At any rate, you should read this novel. It is a great look into our not so distant past. You can click on the title of this entry to launch directly to Kathryn Stockett's web site. I encourage you to do so.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Death of Elizabeth Edwards

Elizabeth Edwards passed away after a valiant fight against the big C. I am so very saddened. She has children who are not yet grown. Always, always, I think of children without parents. It has to be one of the most difficult things for a child to endure. It just doesn't seem right for a child to loose a parent. Please take a moment to pray for her children.

I made a similar comment on my facebook account this morning. A friend then posted the poem below. It is so lovely -- and fits so well with how I am feeling.

Andrew Jackson Kessinger IV
Now that another battle's over
and we see the victory has been won
We need move t'ward the next valley
and see,
"Where it's ended
is where we've always begun”

Starting anew is never easy
and changing paths
is always hard
Yet we know with our LORD
He'll always show us the True Way;
Straight is the path and narrow is the gate
toward His Love.

Since I always get what I pray for
I gotta really be careful how I pray
For as I pray in the Spirit it's beautiful
but when I pray in the flesh I'm led astray

Once He allowed me to submit all to Him,
I knew there'd be no turning back,
and then as I stepped into the Promised Land
Peace I'd never known became fact

I could see trials and tribulations
though I dared not look to find out more
It scared me, but He gave me boldness;
knowledge my Saviour knows what's in store

The dawn has come
Building toward tomorrow's sun

AJK IV, Sept. 2004
after watching my wife die from lung cancer.
It's still appropos