Saturday, July 4, 2009

July 4, 2009

Patriotism to one's country -- isn't that what is supposed to be the prevailing mood today? Not in my house. In my house, we are still reeling from the addition of 15 year old Ashton -- a child fathered by Mark during his wild oat-sowing San Antonio years. We claim him; we love him. We ache for the years that we were not involved with him, but, at the same time, give praise to his San Antonio parents who have kept him on a straight and narrow path.

Our San Antonio children, Alicia and Trevor, have had the great fortune of meeting Ashton as well as his family. They have been made to feel warm and welcome. It is a great ride that we are on as a family. We welcome our new addition with open arms and open hearts, and praise his San Antonio parents for being so open and loving.

Welcome to our family -- Ashton.

Sunday, June 28, 2009


I found out a few days ago that there is another child in our family. Ashton is 15 -- and was just told that his biological father is Mark. There is no doubt in my mind that he is Mark's child.

I have been communicating with Ashton since that time. He is a charming and handsome young man. I was initially a bit shaken, but not any more. I am just glad to have him in our family.

I think it took a lot for his parents to have the courage to tell him. I don't know what I would do in that same situation. At any rate, I am glad to have him and look forward to getting to meet him in person and to get to know him better.