Friday, January 23, 2009

Thoughts on Wintery Friday

We we blessed with a wonderful spring like day yesterday. Temperatures were in the high 50s, and my children were outside in shorts. Mark was on the golf course, so it was a really great day for everyone. Being in St. Louis though, the weather typically doesn't stay any one way for long, and today we woke up with a 30 degree temperature drop. Mark got to take the day off to enjoy the unusually warm temperatures on the golf course -- of course, his favorite place.

Today we are back to normal, with the exception of Jacob being at home due to illness. I sent him yesterday, and I think it was too much for him. He was cranky and upset for most of the day yesterday. I am hoping that he will feel better on Monday with a long weekend.

I went to the rheumatologist yesterday. My Cymbalta was increased 30 mg. I am thrilled that my doctor felt sorry for me and gave me the medication. I was pretty happy with that, as it would have been an additional $45 co-pay. Not a good thing on my already strapped income.

Speaking of income -- it sure is hard with Mark being the only person bringing in money into the house hold. I am continually surprised that he stays with me. I have always loved him so much, but -- if it is possible at all -- I think that I love him more for understanding and standing bu when I know that it is so hard for him. It has caused us to focus more on what really matters and less on the things around us.

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