Saturday, April 7, 2012

Yummy for your Tummy

I don't know why I haven't really used my blog in the past to share my thoughts on being a BzzAgent and all of the wonderful things I get to try out as a result.  Really.  I can only assume that part of the problem is that since I became disabled, my thinking is foggy sometimes.  Big picture things have to be repeated several times before it sticks in my head.  I am assuming that this was one of those things.

Anyway, I signed up for a new campaign.  I haven't even gotten my Bzz Kit yet, but I am super excited. Are you ready for it?  BON APPETIT (TM) STEAM-BAKED DINNERS  
Before I forget -- if you are on facebook, and you go to the Bon Appetit page and click like, you can get a coupon for $2.50 off one dinner!  Do that, because now I am going to direct you to the Bon Appetit web page that has all of the yummy flavors listed.  I swear, I am drooling right now because I was just on the page before I came over here to  tell you all about it.  Here is that link:

I have to say, that I  think I want to try them all.  If there is one I wouldn't try, it is the beef one -- just because I am not a big beef eater, nor is my one carnivore son.  I will try the Pork in Chipotle BBQ Sauce one first, because that is carnivore son's favorite new flavor -- Chipotle BB sauce.  Who knew that I would get hooked up with his new fav?

At any rate, I don't think I am waiting for my kit to arrive.  I am going to use my facebook coupon to try Bon Appetit Steam-Baked Dinners out. If these are as good as they look, I am thinking they are going to be a staple in my house.  You know, for those nights that I don't feel good or just don't feel like spending a lot of  time in the kitchen.  Either way, I am hoping that this is a winner for my family!

I couldn't resist -- here's a picture of the packaging of the one I am going to try:Bon Appétit™ Pork in Chipotle BBQ Sauce

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