Thursday, November 17, 2011

Death of a baby

RIP Baby Tyler

Tyler Dasher made national news -- because his mama beat him to death. Tyler lived in my small St. Louis area community. In fact, he lived within walking distance from my house. He was 13 months old when his mama allegedly beat him to death for crying when she wanted to sleep. Then she took that poor baby and dumped him and called the police to say that he disappeared from her home.

What do we take away from this most horrendous event? It can be a learning moment for everyone. We all have a breaking point -- and for whatever reason Tyler's mama reached hers. What happened next could have been prevented if she would have just picked up a phone and called someone for help. There are various locations of crisis nurseries all around St. Louis. She could could have taken Tyler there. I know there were options.

As a parent myself, I have been to that edge. I haven't abused my kids, because I knew to call in for reinforcements. Parenting is a difficult job to say the least. It is also the most rewarding thing I have ever done. I love my children, and just can't wrap my head around the fact that parents kill their babies. There are so many other options.

1 comment:

  1. Mel, this breaks my heart. YOu are so right. and now, nationally we are witness to many of these missing babies. I am so at a loss. What will it take to get people to see their children as living human beings? To reach out to someone? What does it take?
    Write girl, write...
