I find myself in a strange place. I have spent years collecting things -- mainly dolls, but the odd assortment of other things too. I really do love my things, or I wouldn't have them in the first place. These things that I have -- the are important to me. But I have found myself in a predicament in which I have discovered what is REALLY important.
It isn't the odd assortment of things that I have collected over the years. In fact, when faced with making the decision to have the things that I have carefully collected or to be with someone that I have found myself in love with, I find these things aren't quite as important as I thought they were.When the bottom line is drawn, love wins out.
Becoming free from trappings of living in the same town for almost 20 years, and in the same house for a large part of that time, has become my mission. I look around at these things that took me years to acquire, and I ask this question: "What is more important?" The answer every time is love.
St. Louis Mel
Random musings about the things that impact my life.
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Monday, March 16, 2015
Life, Love, and Other Things
My how life can turn around on a dime. It seems as though loss has been a big issue lately. I have lost two friends recently that are both close in age to me. I lost an uncle. And I lost my Walter dog. It has just been so hard. But those of us left behind keep them alive in our hearts and memories and muscle on.
But wrapped up in all of the sadness is my own little bit of happy also. I have connected with an old friend of my sister -- and have quite unexpectedly found myself in love at the ripe age of 52. I don't really know how I got here, but here I am. It is at times scary and nerve wracking. But mostly, it is wonderful.
I have found a man that I didn't realize existed for real. Those that know me know I have been around the block a few times, so I thought I knew all about men. But I didn't. I didn't know there were men that actually put a woman first. Maybe side by side, but actually first? And everything else just falls from there -- he is loving, kind, wise, generous. All of the things that make a perfect match for me.
I come into this leery and untrusting. Thinking myself unlovable, old, and just worn out. Used up with absolutely no room left to love someone else or give anything to that person. I have tried to cut and run a couple of times, simply because it is so overwhelming at times to have someone care for you so deeply. But I have a great group of friends and a loyal sister who pull me back to reality, make me face my fears, and trust.
I don't understand the whys or hows, but this is surely one of the biggest blessings of my life.
But wrapped up in all of the sadness is my own little bit of happy also. I have connected with an old friend of my sister -- and have quite unexpectedly found myself in love at the ripe age of 52. I don't really know how I got here, but here I am. It is at times scary and nerve wracking. But mostly, it is wonderful.
I have found a man that I didn't realize existed for real. Those that know me know I have been around the block a few times, so I thought I knew all about men. But I didn't. I didn't know there were men that actually put a woman first. Maybe side by side, but actually first? And everything else just falls from there -- he is loving, kind, wise, generous. All of the things that make a perfect match for me.
I come into this leery and untrusting. Thinking myself unlovable, old, and just worn out. Used up with absolutely no room left to love someone else or give anything to that person. I have tried to cut and run a couple of times, simply because it is so overwhelming at times to have someone care for you so deeply. But I have a great group of friends and a loyal sister who pull me back to reality, make me face my fears, and trust.
I don't understand the whys or hows, but this is surely one of the biggest blessings of my life.
Sunday, December 28, 2014
I Miss You Friend
Today I am taking my boys and their friends to a viewing. The deceased is the mom of one of their close friends, and she just happens to be my friend too. I don't know that I am as strong as some people believe, as this is tearing me up.
Laurie was that friend that you could always call. She would listen to anything, no matter how trivial or how big and try to help. That is what I am missing, Yesterday was a difficult day for me. It was supposed to be a fun filled day with another friend, but we ended up taking her son in for a medical evaluation -- and it lasted for hours. I thought about calling Laurie, because I knew she would be understanding. But then I remembered she had passed away. I can never call her again.
So as I sit here thinking about her, I look at the clock. Her husband and children will be getting ready to go to the viewing. One last evening with their family together.
I hope she is somewhere comfortable and at peace -- and walking again. Whole and doing things for herself. I forgot to say that she passed from Multiple Sclerosis. She hated being trapped in her home, in her body. She wasn't negative about it, actually downright gracious of how other people helped her. But she felt she was a burden, and she didn't like it. She didn't like that she couldn't do things for herself.
So in a couple of hours, I will go see her with my troupe of young men. Going to support their friend. And tomorrow I will go back with my son to her funeral and burial for one last goodbye. I sure do miss her -- and the world today is a little bleaker without her presence.
Laurie was that friend that you could always call. She would listen to anything, no matter how trivial or how big and try to help. That is what I am missing, Yesterday was a difficult day for me. It was supposed to be a fun filled day with another friend, but we ended up taking her son in for a medical evaluation -- and it lasted for hours. I thought about calling Laurie, because I knew she would be understanding. But then I remembered she had passed away. I can never call her again.
So as I sit here thinking about her, I look at the clock. Her husband and children will be getting ready to go to the viewing. One last evening with their family together.
I hope she is somewhere comfortable and at peace -- and walking again. Whole and doing things for herself. I forgot to say that she passed from Multiple Sclerosis. She hated being trapped in her home, in her body. She wasn't negative about it, actually downright gracious of how other people helped her. But she felt she was a burden, and she didn't like it. She didn't like that she couldn't do things for herself.
So in a couple of hours, I will go see her with my troupe of young men. Going to support their friend. And tomorrow I will go back with my son to her funeral and burial for one last goodbye. I sure do miss her -- and the world today is a little bleaker without her presence.
Monday, July 1, 2013
Dr. Scholl's Massaging Gel Insoles -- You Gotta Try these!
I am a member of BzzAgent -- I know you all have heard me talk about them before and the word of mouth campaigns that I get involed in. My last one was the soap one -- which, by the way, I love and still use! My latest campaign has been trying out a pair of Dr. Scholl's Massaging Gel Insoles.
Right off the bat I have to say that I love these and gave them the highest rating possible at BzzAgent. And I plan to purchase them for all of the shoes that I wear frequently. I am being totally honest here -- they are that good. I captured a link to the Dr. Scholl's page for them -click here- you should definitely check it out to learn all about the support and massaging comfort these insoles provide. Also, there is a link on the page to a coupon. If you are are local to me (St. Louis), I also have a couple of coupons left from my BzzAgent kit that I can give you. Here is the down and dirty on my expereince with Dr. Scholl's Massaging Gel Insoles.
Getting them ready for my shoes was super eaasy. Trimming had to be done, but it was a snap, and the insoles went right into my shoes. I have had problems in the past with insoles getting all scrunched up at the toe, but I didn't have that problem with these. I think because they are gel insoles and thicker and more stable than most.
The first day I used them was a crazy busy day for me. I wore them on a day that I had lots of errends to run plus a huge estate sale to go to. The first thing I noticed is that once I was wearing them -- or really didn't notice -- is that I totally forgot about them. I was so busy -- but my feet didn't hurt like they usually do on a busy day either. When my day was all through and I was home again, then I remembered that I had been test driving a pair of Dr. Scholl's Massaging Gel Insoles! It was really amazing -- the difference that I felt. No feet fatigue or even lower leg problems. The difference between pre-insole and post-insole use was very noticeable.
And now -- after several weeks of using the insoles -- I still love them! My cute pink high tops are one of my favorite pair of shoes to wear thanks to the confort of the insoles. I totally give this product a five star rating!
As always, if you are interested in learning more about BzzAgent, yyou can ask me or check out their website here.
Right off the bat I have to say that I love these and gave them the highest rating possible at BzzAgent. And I plan to purchase them for all of the shoes that I wear frequently. I am being totally honest here -- they are that good. I captured a link to the Dr. Scholl's page for them -click here- you should definitely check it out to learn all about the support and massaging comfort these insoles provide. Also, there is a link on the page to a coupon. If you are are local to me (St. Louis), I also have a couple of coupons left from my BzzAgent kit that I can give you. Here is the down and dirty on my expereince with Dr. Scholl's Massaging Gel Insoles.
Getting them ready for my shoes was super eaasy. Trimming had to be done, but it was a snap, and the insoles went right into my shoes. I have had problems in the past with insoles getting all scrunched up at the toe, but I didn't have that problem with these. I think because they are gel insoles and thicker and more stable than most.
The first day I used them was a crazy busy day for me. I wore them on a day that I had lots of errends to run plus a huge estate sale to go to. The first thing I noticed is that once I was wearing them -- or really didn't notice -- is that I totally forgot about them. I was so busy -- but my feet didn't hurt like they usually do on a busy day either. When my day was all through and I was home again, then I remembered that I had been test driving a pair of Dr. Scholl's Massaging Gel Insoles! It was really amazing -- the difference that I felt. No feet fatigue or even lower leg problems. The difference between pre-insole and post-insole use was very noticeable.
And now -- after several weeks of using the insoles -- I still love them! My cute pink high tops are one of my favorite pair of shoes to wear thanks to the confort of the insoles. I totally give this product a five star rating!
As always, if you are interested in learning more about BzzAgent, yyou can ask me or check out their website here.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
What's all the Bzz about Touch of Foam Hand Soap?
If you follow me at all, you know that one of the fun things that I do is participate in BzzAgent product testing word of mouth campaigns. (Check out their web site here.) I am in the middle of another product test. This time it is Lysol Touch of Foam Antibacterial Hand Soap. (Check out the Lysol website here.) I was so excited to get the new kit in the mail yesterday.

You all probably know that the boys get excited too, as there have been some oh so cool products to test before. They were a little let down with the product being soap, but ever the troopers, they agreed to a product test. Fortunately, I already had the Toys R Us version of foaming hand soap, so it was super easy to set up a side by side comparison. (In fact, it worked so well, that I think I am going to continue doing the side by side when visitors come over.)
At any rate, here is what we found out in our side by side comparison:
- More soap per squirt or pump. The other brand requires two squirts for the same amount of soap.
- Great consistency of soap, not at all runny like some other foaming hand soaps we have tried.
- Didn't dry out hands.
- Hands felt clean after one washing. (even with greasy I have been doing the dishes hands.)
- Washed off hands easily.
- Bottle size is not so small that you are going to be running out to get more soap in a hot minute.
- The smell is too strong and too girly.
- Smell lingers for too long after washing hands.
- The fragrance for our Lysol Touch of Foam Antibacterial Hand Soap was creamy vanilla orchid, but none of us could detect anything remotely vanilla smelling.
Overall, we really like this soap. It isn't as messy as some soaps are, which is a plus for me. We can live with the fragrance as all of the other positives really out weigh the fragrance. AND it does come in other fragrances.
Monday, March 25, 2013
Snow Day in Spring
Monday was supposed to be back to school for my boys as the first day after their Spring Break. But -- they had a snow day instead! The St. Louis area had the worst thunder snow since since 1983. Usually, I am a fan of the snow, but I am a bit under the weather this time. I heard, though, from some others that it was a great snow for snow balls and snow man building. It was quite beautiful. Just google St. Louis Spring Snow to get some great images.
Unfortunately for some people, the unexpected weather was a big buzz kill. They had come long distances for the Wizard World Comic Con St. Louis only to get socked in by the weather. My favorite of the show, Jason David Frank, posted on his facebook account that his flight out of St. Louis was cancelled so he was driving to Little Rock, Arkansas to catch a flight back to California. There were many, many cancelled flights, as well as many disappointed out of towners who intended to got to Comic Con, but couldn't make it because of inclement weather.
I spent the majority of Sunday nursing the flare that I knew would result from all of the activity the previous day. Monday was a light day also, as it takes several days for a flare to die down. It is tolerable, though -- and for that I am very thankful. I always keep in the corner of my mind that things could always be just so much worse.
Unfortunately for some people, the unexpected weather was a big buzz kill. They had come long distances for the Wizard World Comic Con St. Louis only to get socked in by the weather. My favorite of the show, Jason David Frank, posted on his facebook account that his flight out of St. Louis was cancelled so he was driving to Little Rock, Arkansas to catch a flight back to California. There were many, many cancelled flights, as well as many disappointed out of towners who intended to got to Comic Con, but couldn't make it because of inclement weather.
I spent the majority of Sunday nursing the flare that I knew would result from all of the activity the previous day. Monday was a light day also, as it takes several days for a flare to die down. It is tolerable, though -- and for that I am very thankful. I always keep in the corner of my mind that things could always be just so much worse.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
St. Louis Comic Con, part 1
I am dog tired! The ComicCon was a blast! There is an after party that I wanted to attend, but am just too tired and sore to go. The big thrill of the day by far was getting to meet Jason David Frank! He is such a nice guy. I'll post more later about him. In the mean time, check out his facebook page here. He said today that he really does read it and post.
There were so many celebs there. I was amazed. First thing we see as we enter t he building is Stan Lee! I just knew that the day was going to be a good one! Did you know that he is 90? Amazing! He looks 25 years younger, and how he has the energy he does -- well, I just don't know. Check out his web site here.
Talked to James Hong. He was heading out for the day, but he was super nice. I remember him from the original Hawaii 5-0 tv series. Man, that dates me, doesn't it! he is in amazing shape and has tons of energy. Check out his filmography here.
Saw lots of other celebs: Henry Winkler, Lou Ferrigno, John Shea, Tom Felton, just to name a few, -- and so many artists that I can;t even begin to remember names.
Costumes were awesome. Saw so many great ones. I tried to remember to take pictures! Check out the link to my facebook ComicCon photo album here.
I will post more later about this awesome event. However, I am just so tired right now -- I am headed off to bed!
There were so many celebs there. I was amazed. First thing we see as we enter t he building is Stan Lee! I just knew that the day was going to be a good one! Did you know that he is 90? Amazing! He looks 25 years younger, and how he has the energy he does -- well, I just don't know. Check out his web site here.
Talked to James Hong. He was heading out for the day, but he was super nice. I remember him from the original Hawaii 5-0 tv series. Man, that dates me, doesn't it! he is in amazing shape and has tons of energy. Check out his filmography here.
Saw lots of other celebs: Henry Winkler, Lou Ferrigno, John Shea, Tom Felton, just to name a few, -- and so many artists that I can;t even begin to remember names.
Costumes were awesome. Saw so many great ones. I tried to remember to take pictures! Check out the link to my facebook ComicCon photo album here.
I will post more later about this awesome event. However, I am just so tired right now -- I am headed off to bed!
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