It reminds me of Ivan Ooze from the Power Rangers with his gooey purpleness coming out of the edges and gaps of all sorts of things. Needless to say, it makes quite a mess with the waffle maker and the counter. When I am done, it looks as though there has been a bloody waffle mix war on the counter -- lot of blobs and pools of that thick, sloppy, gooey, paste-like waffle mix.
The kids love waffles though, and it makes me feel good to make them something that doesn't come directly from the freezer to the over or microwave. That is a whole 'nother story!
Waffles aside, the boys and I have been fighting illness. We are better for a couple of days. then sick again. The result is that the house is a total mess -- a wreck! I had worked hard last week to pull it together. It was really looking nice. I am amazed that it only takes a couple of days to turn it into a mess again. Dust clambers onto my furniture at a lightening fast speed. I really think the furniture comes to life once we are asleep, pitching pillows, blankets, and left behind food crumbs into the floor, and just generally creating a bigger mess of things. Those things, combined with two boys and three pets -- well, my house looks like something out of a horror movie -- or the beginning of a house eligible for the tv show hoarders.
Since I haven't felt good, I have been watching more television. I watched the Marie Antionette movie last night. You know, the newer one that Kirsten Dunst was in. It really made me interested in Marie Antoinette -- enough to do some research on her. I learned a lot about the woman, as well as some French history. She was a fascinating woman, and the movie is well worth the couple of hours invested in watching.
Finally, I have been remembering a lot of my dreams lately. Let me tell you, it is not something that I would choose to do. They aren't always pleasant. I have heard that dreams are your brains way of solving problems or issues that you don't do in your conscience state. I wonder if that is true. Perhaps that is something else that I need to research as I don't really know what that would say about me! Perhaps just a confirmation that I am nutty after all!