Saturday, January 17, 2009

Mel's Mind, January 17, 2009

I am pondering life and the relations that one has with another. I had long written off my father, but today he called. He said that he had found out that I was in financial trouble and offered to help. I kept repeating to him that I didn't want help and wasn't asking. He kept saying that he knew that and that he was going to help anyway and that he would send me a check on Tuesday. I don't know what to make of that. Perhaps it is because he has been mellowed with age -- I don't know. I am very muddled. Maybe it will all become clearer when I get the money -- if I get the money. It doesn't matter the amount, what matters is that he has held out of fig leave of sorts. It has given me a lot to think about.

On the other hand, it has been nice to spend the day with my family and my husband. I sometimes miss my family, even though I am around them. I guess what I miss is the fact that we can all be here in the house, but sometimes we aren't together. I like it when we are together and interacting with one another instead of each person doing their own thing.

I imagine that is what people do in those huge starter castles that are build in places like Ladue. I can't imaging having a house that would fit three or more of mine.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Mel's Mind, January 16,2009

I am 45 years old today. I was depressed and upset about it until today. I have come to an acceptance more or less of my increasing age. Time was birthdays didn't mean anything to me, just another day to celebrate. However, one must face their mortality.

On another note, I was reading Rosie O'Donnell had a blog for four years, but stopped because it was to much of a strain for her to keep up with. I imagine that it would be. I would think that there would be some forms of nastiness to deal with. I would think it would be a bit difficult to be a public personality.

Speaking of public personalities, I am thrilled about the election of Barack Obama. I can't wait until he is in office. I think he has some great ideas for our country, and will take it into a different direction that is much needed. I think our current president has been so angry with what has happened to our country, with the 9-11 assault, that he has used that anger to lead our country into a direction that was more of a knee jerk reaction to what happened. Once he had troops in Iraq, there was no turning back for him. I think history will reveal that he was an impassioned president that lead our country into what he thought was the right direction in light of the terrorists that had threatened our freedoms. I am not a supporter, and I am glad for the new direction and leadership of the Obama camp.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

mel's minds, January 15, 2009

Aughhhh -- I am frustrated with my husband. He moans about how bad his birthdays are and have been. I don't know what to do with him -- yesterday was his 45th birthday. His family all called him, we got him a bag of gifts -- nothing big, but all things he would like, and then we went to a Bilikens basketball game as a family, finally -- we came home and had birthday cake. I thought it was a good day. My birthday is tomorrow, and I would like that kind of birthday. I guess I am frustrated with this complicated man that I thought I knew so well, but sometimes seem that I don't know him at all. Crazy. I would appreciate any advice and or suggestions.

On another note, my 46th birthday is tomorrow. I am very sad, because I feel old. Other than my physical health, which seems to be perpetually stuck in the toilet, life seems to be going well. I find myself excessively tired and feeling old. However, the good thing of a birthday is that it is a whole new year with endless possibilities. Of that, I am glad.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Fox 2 frustrations, updated

Not that everyone out in cyber land is hanging on my every word, but I did figure out how to enter the song of the day contest. By the way, the link is on the entertainment tab, duh. Guess I was having a blonde moment. I do think the weather guy said click on the weather tab to enter the contest though.

Now I am frustrated by the parking meter story. This is the third time that I have heard that story this morning. With all of the new political office members, and the things that are happening in Illinois with sly Bob, you would think that there would be more to report on than the set changing and the same story. Very frustrating to me. It is as if we, the audience are too stupid to figure anything out, so we have to be told over and over again. And please -- we don't care so much about American Idol -- we would like to know more about what is going on around us. Perhaps this is why I don't watch this news show in the morning. In fact, I rarely have a tv on this early, because I am doing so many other things. I am just spending a bit more time on the computer lately, and I like the mindless noise of the television on in the background.


Just wanted to shout out to my Mark -- happy 45th birthday today! I love you, and I am sorry you went out of the house in a bad mood. Sure wish you would have shared with me what was going on with you. I hope you have a great day.

Frustrated with Fox 2 news

I have been watching Fox 2 News in the morning for a long time. SInce I had my laptop up today, I thought I would go to the song of the day contest. The weather guy said to go to the weather tab and click on song of the day. Could not find the link on that tab! Frustrating! If they are going to advertise, then they should make ensure that they have the correct links up, don't you think?

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

On Mel's Mind, Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Tomorrow Mark will turn 45 and on Friday I will turn 46. I have thought a lot about it. I am depressed over the fact that I am turning 46. Up until now, age hasn't been much of a matter to me. But now I am over the 45 hump, or almost. Before I could pass it off that I was still young, hey, I wasn't over 45 yet. But now, I am going to be 46. 46 is almost 50, which is the beginning of being old. It is time to be 100% responsible, start acting mature and, dare I say, matronly. My children, although young are old enough or almost old enough to have children, which means that I am old enough to be a grandmother. I have to face the fact that I am, in fact, getting old. and I hate it. Oh, the shackles of age have imprisoned me, and I must get used to their heavy, cold feel.