Can life be more unstable? Turning on the news shows us areas of the world where there are unimaginable horrors. This is a time in which all the world should have at a minimum food and fresh water. Not so.
So am I shallow to worry about my own situation? Problems such that we have never known, with no one to turn to. I see the worry etched in long lines on my husbands face. An overwhelming sense of helplessness tries to overtake us. All of our options are being weighed.
The opportunity has presented itself for my family to move back to Texas. It is an option that is under serious evaluation. Since moving to Missouri some 14 years ago, we have never felt at home. We have missed our children terribly. The relationships that we thought we would find here have never came to fruition. In fact, family relationships were probably stronger before the move away from Texas.
There are a lot of things to consider. The pull of Texas is strong. Right now, I think it is time to go home.
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