I woke up this morning at 4 am after a very restful night's sleep. It is the first night in several that I slept all night without interruption. I have been waking several times throughout the night, and have been getting up around 2 am out of frustration. I feel so much better this morning.
I woke up hungry, so I made some biscuits. I made them with brown sugar, so they are sweet -- and delicious. I was hungry because I am on a diet -- hoping to loose weight. Some friends are on a fasting diet, so I googled it. I decided to go on a variation that I found. You eat normally every other day, and eat only unprocessed food on the other days. Basically, I eat fruit and raw veggies on those days, restricting my intake to only minimal food. It will be one week tomorrow. I am finding it a very easy diet. However, there is a caffeine restriction that I don't adhere to. My reasons for starting this diet is I gained 27 pounds in two months due to medication changes. I am fat enough. The weight gained has affected my fibro, raised my blood pressure, and has made my clothing not fit. I refuse to purchase any other clothing.
I don't have a scale at home, so I just have to judge by the way my clothing fit. I am already noticing that my pants are fitting better. I am hoping to looks that 27 pounds plus 53 more. My reason is simple: I am 4 years and 1 month away from turning 50. I want to be in the best shape of my life when I hit that mark.
This morning I am so grateful for my house, which provides shelter from the weather.
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