My Dream tonight was so vivid that it woke me up. I was dreaming about my dad’s house. It was his house, but different. He still lived with Betty, but I couldn’t remember her name in the dream. The living room was like a store. I didn’t realize it when I first went in, but later when I had fallen asleep, and was awakened by Mark, only it wasn’t Mark. It was my friend, Skip, with some features of Mark.
I walked through the house and was amazed at what I found. There was wall to wall clutter, so much worse than my house ever has been. I told Mark/Skip that I couldn’t wait to get rid of the clutter because I felt it was overwhelming. Betty had a bunch of makeup and mail polish on the table, so I was cleaning it up after we had woken up in the middle of the night. There was a ton of nail polish in the makeup. There was some foundation on the edge of the table that was uncapped but empty. I threw that bottle away, but it was a big deal for me to make that decision.
I was showing Mark/Skip how full everything was stocked, so I took him out to the garage to show him the deep freeze. It was then that I saw an addition to the house. There was a huge professional kitchen. There was also a storage part of my mom’s craft things, only it was full of quilts that my grandmother had made.
Then I woke up. Any interpretations?
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