My son was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome quite some time ago. For those who don't know, it falls under the high end of the Autism Spectrum. As a mom, it is difficult for me to be so gung ho about the disabilities of my children.
Take, for example, warrior Mom, Jenny McCarthy. She has faught for her children, wrote a book about it, and is even opening a school for other children like hers. I admire her. I just don't know where she gets all of that energy to build a whole world for her child.
I do try, I talk to other professionals about diagnosis and labeling. I talk to them about education and try to do what it is best. I have professional help for both of my boys. I read a lot of literature about it. I even obtained educational certification for special education in order for me to better understand the challenges that we, as a family were facing in that arena. But I am a far cry from a Jenny McCarthy. She, to me, is a true super-mom. I don't know if I can have aspirations that high.
I have been told by some very wise people that you work with what you know, and as long as you feel you are doing your best, then you are. I try to agree with that sometimes, but the bar is set so high. If anyone has insight into either Asperger's or Bi-Polar, please share with me. I am always open to new experiences and knowledge.
My son has aspergers. There are no answers that I have found. My son is 11 and is doing well but its always an adventure.